Understanding The Difference Between Cleaning And Disinfecting Your Commercial Place

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, routine cleaning and disinfecting/sanitizing are the best practices to prevent the spread of COVID19 and other viral respiratory infections. Research says that the coronavirus remains viable for hours and even days on surfaces made from different materials. It is important that we effectively remove and eliminate the virus, but before that, we need to understand the meaning of “cleaning” and “disinfecting/sanitizing”. Both these terms have different meanings and are not interchangeable. If you are planning to get your facility cleaned and disinfect, and you have decided to hire commercial cleaning Hartford CT company, then you must first understand the difference between these terms.

Cleaning: Cleaning refers to the removal of germs, dirt, and impurities from the surface. Though cleaning doesn’t kill germs, but it just lowers their numbers by removing a few of them and reducing the risk of spreading infection. It is a physical process and performed using soap and water by scrubbing, washing, and rinsing.

Disinfecting/sanitizing: Disinfecting/sanitizing refers to using chemicals to kill and destroy bacteria and viruses on the surface. The process of disinfection doesn’t essentially clean dirty surfaces or remove germs. It kills the germs on a surface after the cleaning which can further reduce the risk of spreading infection.

The Best Ways to Clean & Disinfect Your Workplace

You need to both clean and disinfect a workplace regularly. Start with cleaning as it removes surface impurities that may result in the growth of bacterial colonies. Once the number of germs or particles shielding viruses gets reduced, you can go for disinfection. Given below are some ways to perform common cleaning and disinfection of certain areas.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Non-Porous Materials: When you are cleaning or disinfecting hard surfaces like chairs, handles, walls, doorknobs, and other surfaces, you must wear hand gloves. Clean non-porous surfaces effectively using detergent or soap and water. Later, apply disinfectants. You can use a bleach solution as it is effective for the majority of businesses and homes.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Porous Materials: Porous surfaces like rugs and carpets can be more difficult to disinfect completely. The best suggestion is to get it cleaned professionally through steam cleaning. If you still think you can manage cleaning carpets and rugs in-house, ensure that you use appropriate cleaning products. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other chemical as it can be hazardous.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Electronics and Office Supplies: Computer systems, tablets, touch screens, and remote controls are some of the few items that can act as a source of germs transfer from one person to another. Many commercial and industrial workplaces have announced the “Bring Your Own Device” concept, but you cannot expect the same with huge machinery or special equipment. These will inevitably be shared. To make cleaning tasks easy and efficient, consider using plastic covers for all devices. These can be easily wiped off and fully disinfected in just a few seconds.

Cleanliness and disinfection is a major concern these days and those commercial places that are planning to reopen must take care of proper cleaning and disinfection of their facility. It is necessary to have a better-looking workspace, but also important from the overall health point-of-view of the employees.


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