8 Tips on Planning a Bridal Shower

A bridal shower allows a group of people to come together and celebrate someone who is about to get married. Planning out such an event should be fun, and there are ways that a person can make sure that the bridal shower day is as special as possible.

Make Sure Everyone Knows Where the Shower is Taking Place

It is important for everyone to know just where the bridal shower is taking place, and the one who is planning the event should figure out different spots where they can put up signs along the road to direct people to the venue. A personalised wedding welcome sign can be used to help people know just which building they are going to and which door they should use to get into the building.

Order Food from a Trusted Caterer

The better the food at the bridal shower, the better the memories people will have when they look back on the shower. If someone wants their food to arrive just on time and to be hot and tasty, they should go through a caterer that is trusted. The one planning out the shower should get in touch with a number of area caterers and see which seems to do the best work.

Plan a Few Games But Not Too Many

The one planning a bridal shower should figure out some games that can be played to keep everyone entertained and to put all of the guests at ease. They should find games that will get people laughing, but they should limit the number of games that they expect people to play.

Have an Area Set Up for Gift Opening

If one is not careful, the whole venue that they are using for the bridal shower can get overtaken and they can run out of room for things like the gift opening part of the event. There should be a dedicated area set up for the gift opening, and the gifts that are brought to the shower should be arranged in that area as they are brought in.

Know-How Many People are Going to be at the Shower

There are some bridal showers that allow both women and men to attend them, and the one who is putting on a shower has to figure out who they are going to invite. That person has to know how many people might be showing up at the shower, and they should encourage guests to let them know if they will make it or not.

Know-How the Bride-to-Be Wants Things to Go

The bride-to-be needs to be happy while attending her own bridal shower, and the one who is planning out the shower should know how that woman wants things to go. If the bride-to-be wants to have only appetizers served, the one planning the event should respect that and do things according to her wishes.

Start Planning the Shower Well in Advance

The sooner that a person can get started working out the details of a bridal shower, the less stress they will deal with while planning out the event. A person should give themselves plenty of time to work out the details of a shower by starting the planning work shortly after the bride finds out that she is going to be getting married.

Incorporate the Wedding Theme and Colors When Decorating for the Shower

The bridal shower can be a sneak peek at what the actual wedding is going to be like, and the one who is purchasing flowers and decorations for the shower should make those fit with what will be used for the actual wedding. Guests can learn the colours of the bridesmaid dresses and more when the one planning out a shower tries to make that shower fit with the wedding that will come after it.

There are many ways for a person to put on a beautiful shower that will help a bride-to-be know how special she is. Those who are working on planning a shower need to make sure that they have enough time to work out all of the little details before the day of the event.


Author’s Bio: Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. She loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email – lisa@lisaeclesworth.com or visit her website www.lisaeclesworth.com  




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