The Importance Of Physical Exercise During COVID-19 Circuit Breaker

Everyone is staying at home and keeping their distance from people to stop the corona virus spread. This is no doubt the best thing we can do right now to protect ourselves and others. Keeping away from crowded places and physical contact with people are a must. The government has also issued clear guidelines for us to follow, for instance washing the hands and only getting out of the house when it is necessary. But there is so much more we can do to fight this.

Staying at home and not caring about our physical and mental health is very easy during the lockdown period. But what we should be doing instead is working out regularly. We know how many benefits physical exercise and exertion has on our mental and physical health. So how can it be ignored when it is needed the most. Going to the gym is not the only way. Start working out at home, do body weight exercises, play sports, play with children and continue with your training.

For instance, wear your hand wraps and boxing gloves and do shadow boxing. Hit the heavy bag and speed bag if you have it. Get on the headgear and spar with your friend, family, or trainer. Check out the following points on what importance exercise has during these times.

For Better Health

Working out regularly is important for better mental and physical health would not be an overstatement. Yes you can take two or three days off to give yourself proper rest and time to recover. But since you don’t have anything else to do I suggest reducing it to one or two days a week. Keep the workouts just like they were before. Get yourself ready for it by preparing, wearing proper clothes, and taking care of the diet.

If you could not spend time on your health and wellbeing, this is the perfect time to start. If you want to lose weight, try HIIT instead of cardio and you can end the lockdown with a toned body. Regular exercise will strengthen your immune system, body and bones as well as reduce the risk of any other diseases like obesity, diabetes etc.

If you don’t know where to start, there are many online platforms and mobile applications to consider. Or you can always get help from a professional or your friend who knows. Remember to take care of your diet and rest, do not forget to enjoy yourself in the process.

It Boosts Immune System

Regular and constant physical workout, of any form either it is lifting weights or playing sports, strengthens the immune system. So, would you not want to strengthen your immune system and make the body able to fight the diseases, especially the one that is going on. Studies have shown that working out and physical exertion is directly related to making our natural defense body system strong and better.

However, on your way to do that you have to be a little careful. Just like excess of anything is bad, so is the case with a workout. If you over do it the body can become weak and prone to diseases. Thus keep it light and get help from professionals if you need. Listen to your body and stop when it says you two, do warm up and cool down routines, and make sure you are doing things right. Rest assured, everything will be good, don’t worry.

It Improves Lifestyle

Once you start working out you will feel your lifestyle changing and marching towards betterment. We are not saying that there is anything wrong with you, it is just that working out will make you strong and healthier, physically and mentally. Good news, if you want to improve your lifestyle, be more active, and want to be active throughout the day, then working out is the way and this is the perfect time to start.

It will help you stop the bad habits and foods. Not sleeping on time, having sleep issues, avoiding junk food, over eating, soda, and whatnot. With time, you won’t even feel the need or urge to eat bad foods. If you would crave for it, then a cheat day will be your freedom day.

This new lifestyle will improve your physical and mental abilities provided that you follow the right path. In the beginning it might seem difficult but you should be ready to do the things required for your betterment. Plus, during this lockdown and stay at home period you can do it easily.


Working out will bring changes like improving self-confidence, a great body, more friends, stress relief, anti depression as well as preventing many diseases. Take the first step and keep pushing yourself through. The best way to continue working out is to do what you like or workout with someone you like. This will give you the motivation to keep on going.

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