Why are Golf Courses Open During the COVID-19 Quarantine?

Despite COVID-19, dozens of golf courses across the country remain open for business. Hundreds of golfers are escaping to the course to play a few rounds while compiling with the newest guidelines with the CDC. But what are golf courses open, and what can you do to stay healthy while you play?

Why Golf Courses Are Open for Rounds

You’d think that golf courses would close down in light of the pandemic sweeping across the country, but many of them are staying open. There are several reasons for this, and we outlined them below.

  • Open Space – Unlike other sports, golf encourages you to get out in the open air and play 18 rounds. Golf courses are very large, and they allow for a decent amount of people to be active at the same time without running into one another.
  • Social Distancing – Since the golf course is so large; it’s easy to follow the social distancing guidelines set by the CDC. You’re supposed to keep six feet between you and anyone else, and golf easily allows you to do this. Even if you golf in pairs, social distancing shouldn’t be a problem if you walk the course.
  • Free Time – There are many people who suddenly have a lot of free time on their hands, and they can head to the golf course to help fill a few hours. It’s a great way to interact with your friends.

How to Keep Yourself Healthy on the Golf Course

Even though it can feel nice to get out of the house and onto the golf course, there are several things you can do to ensure you stay healthy. The following tips help those working golf jobs on the courses themselves and the players.

Avoid the Driving Range
You’re too close to the next person on the driving range to respect the social distancing guidelines. You also have no idea who touched the golf balls before you got them, and this can mean that you accidentally spread germs.

Walk Instead of Ride
Do not get in a golf cart and go around. The first reason for this is that no matter how much the course claimed to clean the cart, it’s still a huge harboring point for germs. You also can’t stay six feet away from your passenger. A walk carrying your equipment is great exercise after being cooped up for so long.

Wear Your Golf Gloves on Both Hands
If you don’t have two golf gloves, head to your local golf store and buy a pair of rain gloves to wear when you play. It may look and feel odd, but the gloves will provide a barrier between you and anything you touch. Remember to wash them in hot water when you get home to sanitize them.

Bottom Line

It’s a challenging time for everyone with COVID-19 making rounds throughout the United States, but you can keep yourself healthy and enjoy the game you love by following these few simple tips.


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