Now a days there is no other way to stay fit yourself without doing some physical exercise and take some quality and good food regularly. And lot more people try to go gym for stay fit but in this article I try to introduce some sports which give you much benefits rather than regular gym. So don’t spend your quality time in gym center try to find some fun with game and reduce your body extra fat and stay health and fit for long.


Swimming benefits is just unbelievable, Research say for every 1 hours perfect swimming you can burn 580 calories how amazing, isn’t it? If you have childhood experience to do swimming beside your home pond or river then this is your very good advantages. Swimming is not only complete physical exercise workout but also its very good sports for low stress activity and very good for your heart. It’s able to burn your body maximum calories and improve lung capacity, increase blood movement and strength your all body important muscles because if you observe swimming properly you can see when people do swimming their whole body working.


Another sports which not only give you physical strength but also give you maximum fun as a very popular game now a days. Research say every 30 minute play tennis you can burn 285 calories when your weight 150 lbs., and if you weight is 200 lbs. its help you to burn 380 calories for every 30 minute. Tennis have 2 option to play single play and double and always try to play with single because it help you to burn more. So enjoy your sports and burn continuously calories.

Martial arts & wrestling

Wrestling is very good sports for improve fitness skills and it’s also help you to self defense mechanisms. Martial arts is another way to keep fit and for self-defense and its very popular and old method as well. There are lot of variation on martial arts like BJJ, MMA, Muay Thai etc. and every variation have different style if you want to more about martial arts you can visit website they introduce all kind of martial arts.


I say it’s a morning workout exercise, people who are young and or middle age always try to go morning workout and some people are not able to go morning walking or running for different reason, but if you still want to stay fit you can choose cycling as a best workout with some great source of fun. Even, every year lot of organization open cycling event to take race in May and June you can also take participate regularly. Recharge say if your weight around 200 lbs if you complete 1mile with normal speed you can burn 60 calories, so now you can set 10 mile per day target easily or weekly 50 mile.

Icy hockey

Icy hockey is most popular game in USA, UK or European zone. But only big channel this game play young age or middle age because of it’s very risky for old age for injury issue. And other channel is you need to participate in a group not you able to play individually game. But as a popular game if you able then try to play ice hockey it’s very helpful for your physical health and burn some extra calories. Research say 125 lbs. person play ice hockey and expect burn calories is 475 calories after playing ice hockey only 1 hours.

Ping pong

Ping pong is another game which help you to burn 200 to 300 calories per hour playing, and the main benefits of this game you can play anywhere even small space because ping pong is a both indoor and outdoor game. In holiday or every day you can easily participate this game with your family member. It’s also safe and secure game for your family member and kids, very minimum injury record game is ping pong. So don’t worry about injury or cost just fun with your small kids or family member and burn some extra calories easily. To know more about ping pong game you can visit website they help you to give you proper guide and maximum.

Final verdict

Stay fit is not only depend on hard work it’s also depend on how smartly spend your daily life, how well food you take and how to do your exercise. Some people are really lazy to do physical exercise and some people are not able to do, so always try to do some exercise with fun and stay fit.