Eye makeup: how to choose it right?

The beauty industry offers modern women of fashion the widest scope for imagination: cosmetics of any colors, shades and textures – I don’t want to fantasize. However, in order to make beautiful eyes makeup, it is not necessary to use many different products or shadows of all colors of the rainbow. The eye makeup can be done in a couple of minutes if you know some rules.

Every professional makeup artist knows how to make a makeup eye that suits a specific type of face and, most importantly, an eye. Girls who want to learn this art should take a look at the basic makeup schemes that exist for each type of eye shape.

Basic eye shapes

Of course, there are a great many eye shapes, but makeup artists distinguish 3 main ones:

Almond-shaped eyes are considered ideal, and, according to makeup artists, almost any makeup scheme is suitable for them. The only thing that must be taken into account is the distance between the eyes (it should be equal to the length of one eye) and the location on the face: the corners of the eyes should be on the same level.

Round eyes – this shape needs to be corrected: visually stretched. To do this, the shadows need to be applied to the area of ​​the outer corner of the eye and shaded almost horizontally, going beyond the eyelid area.

The eyeliner line should, as it were, draw the line of the eye again: it should thicken in the area of ​​the outer corner of the eye and be slightly longer than the growth line of the eyelashes and.

Slit eyes – narrow, often with a creeping eyelid, they also need makeup correction: visual expansion. To do this, the lower eyelid is brought slightly below the eyelash growth line, and the upper eyeliner line should be made thicker in the central region of the eye.

Apply light shadows to the central part of the upper eyelid, and dark shadows to the inner and outer. To visually open the eyes, a kayal (white pencil) can be drawn along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.

In principle, the eyes of each of these forms can be “ascending” (eastern) when the outer corners are slightly raised, and “descending” (European) when they are lowered.

Correcting the shape of the eyes is not difficult: as a rule, two main methods are used for this: highlighting and darkening with shadows. In the first case, cream and beige shades are used, because light tones visually bring closer and enlarge the eyes, and in the second – charcoal, dark gray, or brown, since dark tones make the eyes smaller. Let’s take a look at the basic makeup eyes schemes.

Makeup scheme # 1: classic vertical

Vertical eye makeup is usually used to correct the distance between them, to correct deep-set eyes and overhanging eyelids. This is due to the fact that light shadows in the inner corner of the eye visually bring it closer as if pushing it forward, and dark shadows in the outer corner raise the corner. We do it like this:

  • the inner corners of the eyes are highlighted with white, cream, or light-light beige shadows (the shade “Ivory is well suited);
  • on the outer corners of the eyes we apply shadows of tone darker, and shade the difference, making a soft transition between shades;
  • as a rule, to make the transition softer, use shadows of an intermediate shade;

To reduce the distance between the eyes, we do the previous scheme in reverse: we apply dark shadows to the outer corner of the eye, and light shadows to the inner corner. This scheme is used quite rarely because it does not look good on every type of face. Much more often the “apple” scheme is used, when the shadows of a light tone are applied to the middle of the century, and the outer and inner parts, respectively.

Makeup scheme # 2: classic horizontal

This scheme is good for correcting overhanging eyelids and the distance between the eyes (reducing it). By and large, shadows are applied according to the same principle as in vertical makeup – from light to dark or vice versa, with one fundamental difference: horizontally, not vertically.

The sequence of applying tones depends on the size of the eyes and the purpose of the correction. For example, if the eyes need to be enlarged, a light tone is applied along the line of growth of the eyelashes and a dark tone is applied closer to the eyebrows. If the eyes need to be reduced, on the contrary.

Secrets of decorative cosmetics

The foundation and foundation under the eyeshadow will preserve the brightness of the make-up, remove dark circles under the eyes, and will not allow the shadows to “roll off”.

An eyeliner or pencil performs an emphasizing role, they are able to visually enlarge the eyes, make them more expressive and bright. Only a beauty chooses a thin or more saturated line, arrows, or refined lines along the lower or upper eyelid, but it is impossible to refuse these funds since their role is invaluable.

Shadows are usually the basis of any eye makeup. They can be pastel-soft for a daytime look or richly bright for an evening look. It can be a gentle transition within the same range, or a rich contrast of shades and colors, which creates an amazing effect of expressiveness and attractiveness.

Mascara is a truly integral attribute of eye makeup, because as soon as it can become an effective finishing touch to any look. Black or brown, or colored or glitter? You can choose for every taste, but it is important to remember that brown mascara is preferable for blondes, while black is suitable for brunettes.

To make your eyelashes appear more voluminous, you can lightly powder them before painting. We recommend dyeing the lower lashes first, and then the upper ones, starting from the middle of the eye and moving to the outer corner.

Source: https://romanovamakeup.us/collections/eyes