Effective Guideline of Maintenance Options to Extend the Life of Your Diesel Engine Vehicles

In particular, the current mainstream clean diesel-equipped vehicles are overwhelmingly more expensive than gasoline engines. But the fact that the monthly fuel cost is cheaper is a significant advantage of diesel engines that use light oil as fuel; even more, diesel engine maintain cost is relatively less expensive. In fact, the diesel engine used for heavyweight vehicles due to produce high power.

Essentially, the Duramax engine has diesel engine disassembly and cleaning equipment that can handle not only trucks and trailers but also construction machinery, special vehicles, generators, air conditioning equipment, and refrigerators. LLY Duramax performance parts make the engine move smoothly, and the power of the engine increased. So maintenance is the most vital factor for diesel engine vehicles.

However, be aware that if you continue to drive for a long time without proper maintenance, the risk of trouble will increase due to wear and deterioration of parts. Below are some of the best maintenance methods to extend the life of your diesel engine vehicles.

Receive regular inspections other than vehicle inspection:

Regular inspections other than vehicle inspections include 6-month inspection (semi-annual inspection) and 12-month inspection (1-year inspection). The main inspection items are indoors, engine room, undercarriage (hoses and pipes), and consumable parts related to the undercarriage for damage or looseness and oil leaks.

Regular inspections are essential to maintaining the safety and comfort of your vehicle.  If the vehicle’s life is extended, you can prevent the expense of replacement by purchase, and you can reduce the risk of rough driving and accidents by taking good care of your favorite vehicle.

Change engine oil:

If you do not change the engine oil, the oil circulation will not be smooth, leading to engine failure. As a guideline for replacement time, use the following mileage or frequency as a guide.

As explained this time, diesel engine oil has different properties and standards from those of gasoline engines, so select the oil of the standard and quality that is suitable for the engine of your vehicle and the taste of diesel engine.

Tire replacement:

It is desirable to replace car tires at least once every four years, regardless of mileage. This is because the rubber on the tire surface deteriorates over time. If there are cracks, cracks, or groove depths below 3.2 mm, you recommend replacing them within four years.

Besides, even if four years have not passed since you should install the new tire, the replacement time may be earlier due to the “presence of cracks and scratches” and “remaining grooves.”

For daily maintenance, check the number of years of manufacture from the number of years of manufacture stamped on the tire’s side and try to maintain proper air pressure.

Battery replacement:

Batteries are consumables that deteriorate over time. The guideline for replacement varies depending on the driving conditions. Still, in general, it is recommended to replace the same timing as the vehicle inspection, that is, once every two years.

If you want to replace the battery when it is weak, check for any of the symptoms such as the engine does not start well, the headlights are dark when using the air conditioner, and the headlights are dark when using the wiper.

Replacement of timing belt:

The timing belt is a part inside the engine that is recommended to be replaced after a mileage of 100,000 km. In the unlikely event that the timing belt breaks, it can be returned to the maintenance shop if the manufacturer is producing the parts.

Actually, it has high durability because it is an important part related to driving, but it should be noted that there are many reports of cases where the mileage is less than 100,000 km.


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