Water-Soluble vs. Oil-Soluble CBD: What You Need to Know

Did you know that in 2018 the global cannabis market was worth $14.5 billion in 2018? Did you also know that CBD has been shown to reduce pain levels?

Are you considering CBD but aren’t sure whether to go with oil-soluble or water-soluble CBD oil?

In this article, explore a comparison between the 2 to decide which is best for you. Read on to find your perfect CBD to experience the benefits from it.

What Is CBD?

Before beginning a comparison, you might be wondering what is CBD? Can it get me high? Does it really work?

CBD (cannabidiol) is naturally found in the resinous flower of cannabis. It has been used for thousands of years for many medicinal reasons, and today they’re doing studies to find out more.

It’s non-addictive and is considered a phytocannabinoid. The high people experience from marijuana is known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). You won’t get high from CBD since it has little to no THC found in it.

Potential benefits are helping with:

  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis and dermatitis
  • Gut disorders
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Neurological conditions
  • Cardiovascular problems

How Does CBD Work? 

Areas in your body are specifically made for cannabinoids. The cannabinoids actually bind to the different receptors on your cells.

You can find many receptors in the central nervous system. You can also find receptors located throughout your body’s organs.

Cannabinoid receptors can be even be found in your digestive tract and skin.

These different receptors are categorized as CB2 and CB1. You can find CB1 mostly in your brain. They can also be found in your lungs, kidneys, and liver.

CB2 receptors can be found in your immune system. CBD keeps your receptors working properly.

Ways to Take CBD

There are a variety of ways to use CBD, from gummies to topical salves. One popular option is vaping. Avoid MCT vape oils if you go this route. Instead of vaping with nicotine, you can choose CBD oil.

You can also try out sublingual tinctures if vaping isn’t for you. This is an easy way to get CBD oil in your body. You can either place it in your mouth or add it to your meals.

Avoid solvents and Ethanol for this method.

Another option is to take gel capsules. If you’re looking to take it like medicine, this is a great method. This is a great option for those who don’t feel comfortable with vaping or taking it in other ways.

You can also try out CBD salves or lotions for your body. If you have pains or any aches, this is an option as well. It can help alleviate pain from arthritis, neck, back, or other pain.

Another option is what’s known as dabbing. One option to try dabbing is with a concentrate vape pen with an atomizer. This is using CBD isolate. Some like to combine CBD dabs with THC. They’re great for smokers and other cannabis users.

If you’re a dabber, you’ll want to have experience with using this concentrate before buying it.


Oil-soluble CBD is for those who enjoy the taste of the oils instead of water-based CBD. When it’s in its original form, you can only take it for positive effects in certain ways.

Think of the tinctures you can buy from the store that you place in your mouth. Take a look at bioavailability. Bioavailability is how much of a substance you can absorb in your body.

That’s the problem with manufacturers placing CBD oil into edibles. Edibles are when you take it by mouth such as capsules, gummies, and candies.

Your body won’t absorb it as well.

First Pass Metabolism

The reason why it doesn’t work as well is what’s known as the first-pass metabolism. Another name for the first-pass metabolism is the first-pass effect.

This is where the compound is largely reduced before reaching the systemic circulation. Normally this occurs when you take it orally.

Water-Soluble CBD Oil

In the manufacturing process, fat globules are broken down into much smaller droplets known as nano emulsification. This makes the CBD water-soluble and increases your bioavailability.

This means your body will increase the amount of CBD it absorbs. This can also save you in the long-run since using less goes further than oil-soluble CBD.

Water-soluble isn’t as important for smoking or vaping CBD oil, but when choosing other methods. If you’re looking to ingest CBD oil instead of smoking it, choose water-soluble for the max effect.

Oil-Soluble vs Water-Soluble CBD Oil 

Why does it matter when doing a comparison of oil-soluble vs water-soluble CBD oil? CBD oil that is water-soluble can increase how much you absorb.

The CBD oil is converted into a water-soluble powder. This allows you the option to take it in a drink-powder or capsule form instead of using tinctures or smoking it.

It’s also a great option for cooking with CBD as well.

The Best Way to Consume CBD?

Many say that water-soluble is the best way to consume CBD since it increases your bioavailability. It increases your bioavailability since it passes the first-pass metabolism effect.

Water-soluble CBD allows you to receive the serving you’d like much easier. While it might take longer to digest than the oil-soluble option, your body will absorb more.

Exploring Oil-Soluble vs Water Soluble CBD Oil

After exploring this guide, you should have a better understanding of the differences between oil-soluble vs water-soluble CBD oil.

Would you like to read more about CBD options? Check out our other articles.

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