Types of specialized dentist and how to choose your dentist

There are many dentists, and some have specialized in certain aspects of dentistry. Teeth should get the best care as they are prone to some issues, especially as a person ages. Getting the best care means going to the right dentist when your teeth have a particular problem. Many people are only aware of the general dentist involved with necessary preventive measures, but there are other specialized dentists. The different types of dentists include;

General dentists

The general dentist is also known as a family dentist. You can get a family dentist for preventative oral care. The dentist also recommends the best ways to take care of your teeth while you are at home.

The services the general dentist provides are regular dental cleanings, treating tooth decay, and whitening services. The general dentist is a dentist you will regularly see as they provide services your teeth require from time to time.

Cosmetic dentist

The cosmetic dentist works on improving the appearance of your teeth. The dentist’s primary goal is to give you a better smile hence increasing your confidence. A cosmetic dentist Essex provides services such as a dental implant, teeth whitening, and dental veneers.

Cosmetic dentistry may not seem important, but it has many benefits, such as improving self-confidence and reducing stress levels. The appearance of the teeth matters a lot as you socially and professionally engage in different aspects of life.

They are also known as prosthodontists, and they work hand in hand with dental labs to create oral appliances that are a perfect fit for the patients.


It is a dentist that specializes in treating misaligned teeth. The orthodontists install braces or wires to align the teeth or jaws. The orthodontists correct the issues of misalignment for both cosmetic and functional reasons.

The orthodontist designs the braces, mouth guards, retainers, and other oral hardware that help right the misaligned teeth. The orthodontist is also specialized in taking care of the bone structure of the teeth and fixing spacing issues in the mouth.

Pediatric dentists

The pediatric dentists are involved in treating the teeth issues that are common in children and youth. The dentists do not deal with dentists, and they deal with teeth that are still growing and the milk teeth.

Children should visit a pediatric dentist whenever they experience any issues with their teeth. The pediatric dentist does not deal with adults at all.


The periodontist deals with any issues involving the gum and prevents and treats all the gums’ problems. The periodontist manages the gum disease known as periodontal disease and performs cosmetic skin grafting on the gums.

If you want to take care of the gum or have any issue with the gum, the periodontist should be the dentist to visit. The periodontists also teach the general dentist on the various treatment methods that can work for different patients.


The endodontist deals with the most sensitive part of the tooth known as the pulp and specializes with its treatment. The general dentist will always refer you to an endodontist if you are experiencing issues with the pulp.

The pulp faces specific issues such as rotting, inflammation, and even decay. The endodontist gauges whether the pulp can be treated and preserved, and if it cannot be managed and maintained, the method of treatment used by the endodontists is known as a root canal.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons

The surgeons are involved in the treatment of the hard and soft tissues in and around the mouth. The surgeons are medically trained to perform invasive dental surgery. The surgeons can perform complicated tooth extractions and surgical jaw corrections.

The surgeons also do reconstructive surgery. The oral surgeons perform complex surgical operations and take care of the improvements that need to be done before other appliances such as false teeth or cosmetic procedures are done.

There are many specializations of dentists that can be found all over, and one may not know the specialist to choose from and get treatment. The tips you can use for selecting a dentist specialist are;

Recommendation from your general dentist

The general dentists are usually aware of the best-specialized dentists that can help you with any issue. It is essential to consult your family dentist before you make any decision. The family dentist can also know the problem that may disturb your teeth more accurately than yourself.

The general dentist will also provide the review of different dentists you can visit, enabling you to come up with an informed decision of the dentist you will seek for your issues.

Knowing what you want

You need to identify the issue about your teeth that you need to solve. If you want to improve your teeth’ appearance, then you should visit a cosmetic dentist, and if you have issues with your gum, a periodontist will serve you the best.

Identifying the issue that needs treatment will go a long way toward deciding the specialist that will serve your need.


Sometimes specialty procedures performed by a general dentist tend to be cheaper rather than going to a specialist. You may prefer a general dentist for the specialized process if it is not complicated, and your general dentist can perform it. The complex procedures require a specialized dentist, and it is best to seek a skilled dentist to avoid unnecessary complications.

Visit a dentistry clinic.

Dentistry clinics have different specialists, and hence when you visit such a clinic, it is easy to get the dentist that will take care of all your issues. The clinics have different dentists, and they have the dentist that will detect the problem with your teeth and refer you to the appropriate specialist. The clinics provide the easiest way to get a specialist.

Bottom Line

Different specialists deal with specific problems of the teeth. The teeth require treatment from time to time, and one should visit a general dentist regularly. The teeth appearance and health should be given priority as the teeth perform vital functions such as chewing and even help digestion.


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