How To Choose The Perfect Motor For Every Situation

Normally, when one refers to engines, it is assumed that it is an area only suitable for enthusiasts and experts. Indeed, since it is a purely mechanical subject, it is normally only known in depth by those who work with it on a daily basis and who consider themselves to be engine enthusiasts, while many people only have a general, incomplete understanding of the subject.

This article will explain and demonstrate that anyone working in industry should be interested in motors and know their particular features. Knowing how to choose the right type of motor for a specific circumstance can make a big difference. Furthermore, let’s not forget that there are many other areas that revolve around the field of motors, and there are many industries that deal with the construction and processing of these components.

One company that has written history in Italy in the field of engines is OME Motors. Eros Orsatti started working on his own small project back in 1960, not knowing that only a few years later he would have opened his first official headquarters in Brescia, in northern Italy. An enterprise that has therefore enjoyed enormous success since its early years.

Based on the company’s great experience, we will present in this article some of the types of motors that you necessarily need to know about.


Ome Motors produces standard low-voltage motors that offer a very high level of efficiency. The special feature of these motors, however, is that they permit great energy savings compared to normal electric motors. Indeed, a standard motor normally consumes two thirds of the energy of an industrial compartment. It is therefore a question of optimising energy consumption and at the same time being environmentally friendly. Furthermore, let’s not forget that this also guarantees great savings in terms of managing costs!


Explosion-proof motors are particularly suitable for installation in potentially dangerous situations, where combustible dust or gases may be involved. The installation of these motors eliminates the risk of explosion, due to their characteristics which prevent them from bursting. These features include: an explosion-proof external structure, spark protection, increased protection and pressurised equipment.


What sets them apart on the market is their cooling system, which can vary according to the model. High-voltage motors are made from a steel plate, which gives them a high degree of stability, but also makes them extremely light. They are manufactured with a squirrel cage or wound rotor. The use of these motors is suitable for a wide range of situations, such as cement works, steelworks and purification systems. They are also ideal for activating pumps, compressors, boliers, fans and many others. In other words, they are among the most adaptable and usable motors, as they can be inserted in many different circumstances.


This type of motor has the ability to ensure safety in crowded places. They are three-phase electric motors that have been conceived and designed to be applied to smoke extraction systems for industrial buildings. Smoke extraction motors are able to guarantee safety in these buildings because they focus on the correct functioning of the ventilation, which allows smoke to be expelled during emergency situations.


Conveyor belt motors are specifically conceived for steelworks. We must remember that the environments in which these motors operate have temperatures that are not easily manageable and are exposed to different types of contamination, which therefore require a motor that is properly adaptable to this type of environment. These engines must be able to operate continuously, without stopping, and therefore have a very high level of resistance.


These motors are the very best and are unique on the market for their efficiency and strength. They are also more powerful than standard motors, because they are made up of magnetic bars that increase their pushing potential. Therefore, the performance and energy saving level will be higher than the other types of motors’ level. These engines operate through a frequency inverter and are able to pack maximum power into a small volume.


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