What to Do If You’re Charged with a DUI?    

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a very serious offense, and if you’re caught doing it, you’ll be charged with a DUI or driving under the influence. This is treated as a criminal offense in most states, not just a civil infraction, and the penalties are quite severe.

These can include hefty fines, license suspension or revocation, community service, and even jail time.

The right way to handle a DUI charge in Ventura (California) will obviously depend on the specific circumstances of your case, but hiring an experienced Ventura DUI lawyer should be one of the first steps you take.

 Alcohol vs. Drugs

The great thing about alcohol is that it doesn’t affect everyone the same way. Some may be able to have 4 or 5 drinks and still show no signs, while others may find it hard to simply stand straight after two drinks. The effects are also mostly temporary and don’t show immediately.

However, driving under the influence of drugs is more severe than driving drunk, both mentally and legally. Drugs tend to have the same effect on everyone, making driving under the influence of drugs incredibly difficult and risky.

Besides, if you are found to be driving under the influence of illegal drugs like cocaine, you will end up facing charges for possession and consumption of illegal substances, in addition to your DUI charge.

Talk To An Attorney

In most cases, Ventura County drug DUIs are charged as misdemeanors. This means that a conviction could result in up to a year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Therefore, it’s important to talk to an attorney as soon as possible.

An experienced DUI Lawyer can help you understand your rights and what you can expect from your case in the future. You can call these attorneys for a free consultation if you need assistance.

Dealing With Drug Tests While On Bail

Depending on your bail conditions, you may be subject to random drug testing. This can happen through a probation officer or even by your parole officer.

Even if you’re not arrested for drugs, a judge can still issue a warrant for a drug test if someone testified against you in court, claiming that you consumed drugs before getting behind the wheel. The only way to avoid a drug test is to make sure no one has information about past or current drug use.

Can You Beat The Charges?

In California, you can be charged with a DUI when your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher. To prove that you’re guilty of a DWI, prosecutors need to show that your BAC was above 0.08%, and if they can’t present strong evidence, you have a good chance of beating the charges.

Alcohol and drugs, even in small amounts, can seriously impact your driving ability. Both substances often lead to drowsiness, which is why driving under the influence is illegal.

So, if you’re charged with a DUI in Ventura (California), contact an experienced Ventura DUI lawyer as soon as possible. They will be able to help you minimize any penalties and fight for you in court if necessary.


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