What Should You Know Before Investing in PIF Manager Solutions

Food companies across Australia and New Zealand are required to maintain PIFs or Product Information Forms. These forms are used to inform consumers and regulators about the food products and their ingredients.

Most companies have been using the Excel document provided by the Australian Food and Grocery Council or AFGC. With the adoption of software and tools like the BizCaps PIF Manager, it’s easier than ever to manage the forms. This article explains what you should know before investing in a PIF management solution.

Make Sure the Platform is AFGC Authorised

Many platforms offer PIF management, but not all of them are created equal. The first thing you should check for is whether it’s authorised by AFGC. The portal collects and processes information from multiple vendors, including manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and brokers.

To ensure integrity, each concerned party must be verified by the AFGC to supply the data. The council runs independent checks to ensure the authenticity of the data. Since one incorrect data source can possibly affect other sources, it’s essential to use a platform that’s verified by AFGC.

The platform should have an “AFGC Authorised Food Data System” badge displayed on the product pages.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

To operate as a food business, you need to meet the regulatory requirements laid out by AFGC. It is often a vital and sensitive activity. By investing in a PIF manager, you can ensure that your business complies with the PIF requirements.

For example, the templates provided by AFGC keep changing from time to time, the latest being PIF 6 at the time of writing. Your business must use the most recent and updated one for sharing the data.

With automated software, you don’t have to worry about the ever-changing templates. The tools will automatically update themselves once a new version is available.

Security is Paramount

When selecting a platform, you must ensure that it has industry-standard security measures in place. It is vital since data will be shared across multiple systems. Your suppliers will be providing their data, and your customers will be downloading them. If there’s a data breach, then it can affect all of the involved parties.

Therefore, the portal should have SSL certificates and IAM configurations as part of the tool.

Quality Control is Still Necessary

A PIF management tool can automate a lot of manual, redundant stuff.

You do not have to key in data manually. But you do have to have quality control checks.

The independent checks will ensure your data is reliable and authentic. You can open and go over the figures and cross-check if they’re accurate and in-line with AFGC guidelines.

You Can Pay as You Go

Lastly, when investing in a PIF management tool, you needn’t pay a large sum of money upfront. Neither do you have to stick to a fixed cost. You only pay for the resources you consume. Thus, the tool is suited for both small and large-scale food businesses.

PIF management tools like the BizCaps PIF Manager is an excellent way to comply with the AFGC data requirement. You’ll save both time and money by utilising such tools. If you’ve got more sophisticated operations, then it’s best to work with a consultant who will help you select the right tools for you.

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