8 Things You Need To Check In Your Car Before Travelling

Whether you are taking a road trip for work or traveling for pleasure, it can be exciting to prepare for. However, deciding what to pack should not be the only thing you do to prepare. It is essential to make sure your car is in good condition for the excessive miles you will be adding to it. Most mechanics will agree there are certain things you should check on your vehicle before you set out on the road. Below are some important checklist items to have your car mechanic Coorparoo go over in advance of your traveling.

  1. Tires

Even though breaking down can be a hassle on a road trip, one of the most important features on your vehicle you do not want to break down while driving is your tires. A flat or blowout could be dangerous when traveling at high speeds. Your tires are what connects your vehicle to the road, and they need to be in good shape before traveling. Have your mechanic check for damage, bubbles, and tread depth. It is also important to monitor your tire pressure throughout your trip.

  1. Fluids

It is also important for your mechanic to check under the hood for your fluid levels. Particularly, your coolant and oil need to be checked before you head out for your travels. Be sure to have your brake fluid checked. If your brake fluid levels are low, have your mechanic check for a leak. Low brake fluid levels can make your vehicle unsafe to drive.

  1. Wipers

This is one of the easier things to check before you head out on the roadways. A quick test of your wipers is all that is needed to ensure they are working properly. When testing, check to see if the water is removed cleanly from your windshield. Wiper blades that are cracked or worn can blur water over your windshield and impair your vision while driving.

  1. Lights

If you plan to drive in the evening or early morning hours, your lights need to be checked as well. If you are driving in an unfamiliar area, your car lights are important and need to be working correctly. It is unsafe to drive in the dark when you cannot see the road clearly. Ask your mechanic to check your blinker bulbs to ensure none are blown out.

  1. Fluid Leaks

In addition to checking the levels of your fluids, it is important for your mechanic to make sure you have no leaks. The mechanic will check all of your hoses and components underneath your vehicle. If you have recently noticed any spots of oil or coolant on your garage floor or driveway, your car needs to be checked out by a mechanic right away.

  1. Brake Pads

Another important part of your vehicle that needs to be checked out by a reputable mechanic is the brake pads. The pads of your brakes make up the composite inner part and the outer metal layer. The layer of the inner part cannot be worn down below five millimeters thick. If this is the case, your pads will need to be replaced before you travel.

  1. Drive Belts

Your vehicle’s drive belts need to be checked for cracks and wear and tear. Worn out or damaged drive belts can lead to a complete engine shutdown. Your water pump is powered by the drive belt and when damaged your battery cannot continue being charged. If anything happens to your drive belt, you will break down within a few miles.

  1. Spare Tire

An essential item to have in your vehicle before traveling is a spare tire. However, the spare tire will do you no good unless it is in good condition and able to be used when you need it. Before you head out, check to see if you have your spare tire and a vehicle jack ready to go and all in working condition. Check the tire pressure of your spare to ensure it is inflated properly.

As you can see, there are many components on your vehicle that should be checked out by a reputable mechanic before you head out on a long journey. Ensuring your car is in good condition before you leave will lessen the risk of breaking down and will mean having a safer journey.


Eric Reyes is a passionate thought leader having been featured in 50 distinguished online and offline platforms. His passion and knowledge in Finance and Business made him a sought-after contributor providing valuable insights to his readers. You can find him reading a book and discussing current events in his spare time.

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