Vaping for Beginners: 5 Rookie Mistakes You Should Try to Avoid

If you love a nice hit of nicotine, cannabis, or CBD but want to be discreet, vaping is your best friend. You can purchase a vape pen that’ll help you take a toke without a worry in the world.

However, you need to make sure you’re steering clear of rookie mistakes. Below we’ll touch on vaping for beginners so that you can avoid the common mistakes that people make when getting started.

  1. Choosing a Vape That Is Too Advanced

Vaping popularity is at an all-time high both for cannabis use and tobacco. As such, it’s easy to get overzealous and run out to buy the best and most expensive vape you can find.

Pump your breaks.

Before you head out and buy an ultra model, you need to make sure you know how to use the thing, or if vaping is even for you. Keep in mind that these are personal devices, and a vape that is great for someone else might be all wrong for you.

Stop by a few shops and ask questions about your specific needs before you go plunking down any money on a vape that looks great on paper.

  1. Not Knowing What Cartridges or Juice to Buy

Your vape is useless unless you buy the best cartridges or vape juice.

Because of this, you should put just as much time into researching the flavors, content, and quality. Figure out which companies manufacture the best and smoothest cartridges, and try out a few to see what you like.

Grade them in terms of the effects, the quality of the product, whether or not it irritates your throat, and other factors.

  1. Buying a Low-Quality Vape

No matter what, you need to be concerned with health and comfort when vaping. If you completely cheap out and purchase a low-quality vape, you’re only putting yourself at risk.

What’s more, you also don’t want to collect a bunch of cheap vapes that you will have to replace time and time again. Put some time and energy into researching the perfect one so that you can keep it for years.

  1. Failing to Take Care of the Battery

The battery is arguably the most important part of the vape. Research it to see how many hours it’ll last and how long it has to charge.

The last thing you would want is to get stuck with a dead battery and a vape that is rendered useless because your battery is faulty.

  1. Not Properly Cleaning and Maintaining the Vape

Finally, make sure you’re following all the maintenance steps for taking care of your vape.

For instance, coils for vaping need to be cleaned from time to time to ensure optimal maintenance. You should also turn it off when not in use so that you don’t burn out any of the components.

The better you care for your vape, the better it will perform.

Vaping For Beginners: What Not to Do

These tips are an excellent example of what not to do when you’re getting into vaping. Now that you’ve studied vaping for beginners, you’re ready to go out and make your first purchase.

Consider these tips and start shopping around. Check back for more info on all things vaping, CBD and lifestyle.


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