8 tips on Choosing Antiques Furniture for Your New Home

When it comes to relaxing in your home and showcasing your style, antique furniture is becoming a common trend. The old-time styles provide a sense of calmness and a slower rate of life as compared to the busier, modern styles of today. If you’re considering adding antique furniture to your home, here are eight tips to get you started on the right track.

Buy What You Fall In Love With

When it comes to antique furniture shopping, each piece always seems different than the next. It’s not like going to a local furniture store and seeing the same couch in five different colours. Rather, each piece is uniquely crafted and not easily replicated. For this reason, you should always go with your gut feeling. If you fall in love with the look of a piece, buy it. You can use many techniques to incorporate it into any room in your home.

Incorporate With Accent Pieces

Sometimes you may find yourself running into the scenario where you have a great antique piece that just doesn’t seem to flow with the room. Many times, this can be easily solved by incorporating accent pieces into the antique item. For example, an antique wood chair can suddenly flow with a room when you add a chair pillow or backing pad in a complementary accent colour.

All Pieces Don’t Have to Be From The Same Era

One of the biggest misconceptions that people believe when it comes to buying antique furniture for their home is that it all has to be from the same time period. The reality is that you can splash together different eras easily. It’s all about understanding the look and function of the piece and incorporating that with other items that compliment it.

Don’t Be Afraid To Repurpose Items

Just because you can’t think of a place to put that antique item doesn’t mean that you can’t use it. Sometimes the look of an item just attracts our desire. When there’s no specific place it fits inside of your home, consider repurposing it. For example, you may have fallen in love with the look of an old church pew. However, it may seem crazy to find a place to fit an entire pew. In reality, you can repurpose a portion of a church pew into a nook seating area. There are antiques Sydney that can be easily repurposed to fit the style and needs of your home.

Realize You’re Not Going To Damage The Items

People often get so worried about not ruining the item that they end up throwing antique furniture into a space that just doesn’t fit right to protect it. Many antique pieces are made with toughness in mind. From chairs to chests, these pieces were built with solid wood and built to last. You can put these items in high-traffic rooms without having to worry about stains, tripping, and breaking items. Treat your antiques as you would your modern-day items.

Contrast Darks To Lights

Many antique pieces are stained with a darker colour of the wood. Most common are dark oaks and walnuts. You’ll want to contrast the dark colours of your antique items with lighter objects in the room. For example, a dark coffee table can be easily contrasted with a lighter white or grey couch. Or, you can opt for a lighter colour rug that is placed under the coffee table to give a hint of contrast to the look of the overall room.

Consider Accent Pieces

Too often, homeowners get into the design conundrum that an antique item must be the statement piece of the room. That’s simply not the case. Your antique furniture can easily be an accent piece that enhances the overall design of the room. For example, an antique chest makes a great coffee table for your living room.

Use Pieces Out Of Traditional Context

When you first think about where you’re going to situate a piece of antique furniture, your mind will immediately go into a black and white mode. This means that your mind will think that an old dresser has to go into a bedroom. Or, an old mirror needs to go into your bedroom. That’s not always the case. You can use traditional pieces out of their original context with a little imagination. That dresser or standing mirror can be the perfect addition to your living room.


Author’s Bio: Matt McGrath is an avid traveller and a prominent writer in the blogging community. He has been to more than 50 countries. While he loves discovering new cultures and adventures, he is also passionate about sharing practical tips to his followers. If you love to travel and adventure, we recommend that you read and follow all his articles! More about him on his website – http://mattmcgrath.me/




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