Reasons Why Texting Can Really Help Your Business

These days, truly anything can be done in the palm of your hand. From catching up with friends, to starting a new business, you can basically do it all with the use of your smartphone.

These days, using text with your business is a near necessity. In fact, texting is the most used data service in the entire world. Beyond that, while other forms of communication have varying read and response rates, virtually all text messages are read quickly.

Thanks to that prevalence and popularity among consumers, texting could be the single most beneficial tool for your business and employees. Here are some crucial reasons why you need to integrate texting into your business and workflow as quickly as possible!

Texting gives you an edge

If you exist in a competitive market and are looking for ways to get an edge on your competition, consider online text messaging as a way to do it. It helps you standout and gives your potential clients and customers something to differentiate you by.

That being said, make sure to go over specific etiquette when it comes to your employees texting clients. There is a fine line between availability and annoyance. Toeing that line is very important when it comes to making the most out of texting in business.

It helps with communication

When you are in the depths of a major project, texting can help many of your employees and colleagues stay in touch from points A to B to C and so on.

While emails can get lost in a busy inbox, and calls are easily missed, texts are one of the most viewed and responded to forms of communication on the earth. The open rate of SMS messages is an astounding 99 percent. That means that if you, or any of your colleagues, are sending out texts, you can be sure that the rest of your company is going to be seeing it.

Mobile viewers make up most of your website hits

If you want to improve the chances that people are going to be visiting your site, consider outreach via text. Sending texts to clients and customers that encourage them to visit to your site with added incentive such as a discount or free trial and you will very likely see a huge spike in organic traffic.

Getting a text to a link and clicking it just to see the offer is almost second nature for a lot of people. It can be a great help if you are trying to get a service or campaign off the ground, reaching out to clients and customers via text is a fantastic option.

Texting gives both parties flexibility to respond on their own time

Texting is the more informal way to communicate that is regularly used these days. It also gives both you and your client to respond when is convenient for you and them. It makes a potential agreement to be ongoing as people get more comfortable with one another and figure out how a professional relationship would proceed.

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