Normal email marketing frequency

Each company chooses suitable promotion methods both online and offline. But many of them have no idea how often you should send newsletters. This leads to the fact that messages are sent irregularly or too often. Intrusive advertising annoys users, which is why they unsubscribe from newsletters.

There are no univocal recommendations regarding the time at which to send letters. First, you need to decide on the goal that you are pursuing by sending a newsletter. This can be advertising news, informing about brand activities, promotion of goods or services.

To start sending bulk emails automatically, try the experience cloud by Massmailsoftware. Thanks to it you will find the necessary functions for sending messages. Over time, it will become clear whether the chosen promotion strategy is giving the desired result.

Optimal email marketing frequency

Most brands choose to send messages every 4 weeks. This strategy is used by small businesses to notify their customers on a monthly basis about changes in the company, new promotions, and bonus programs. After that letters can be sent more often. This is a suitable option for those who:

  • create unique promotions weekly;
  • frequently update the assortment of goods;
  • expand the list of services available to clients.

Some companies send emails to their users every 24 hours. How many emails should they send per day? Customers are unlikely to want to read new product information every day. The only exception is emergency notifications. If you prefer such a strategy, take care of conducting preliminary A/B tests and make sure your customers are interested in your newsletter. Otherwise, you risk ending up in the spam folder and losing a significant amount of your customers.

When you decide how often to send marketing emails, choose the software that automates the process; it is available at

Newsletter frequency – best practices from the leading companies

The more users you have on your site, the more likely it is to increase your income. To do this, you can focus on leaders in your field of activity. How many emails do they send per day? This can be one letter per day or per week. If the set goals are achieved, then the strategy has been chosen correctly.

Before you start choosing the right strategy, try sending your first email, a welcome one. Immediately after the clients have provided their personal data for feedback, welcome them and offer brief information about the work of your company.

Conduct up a small survey to find out what users would like to read. This can be new arrivals of goods or a regular update of your software. Offer them the newsletter based on their interests — this is the only way you can avoid spam and count on long-term cooperation.

Each e-mail should be useful to the user. Personalized promotion campaigns or products based on previous purchases – the customer will enjoy reading such content, provided that the messages are not sent daily. By increasing the engagement level, you can boost the company’s revenue; therefore, be sure to attract the users’ attention to your brand.


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