How Can Dental Veneers Sydney Transform Your Smile?

When you want to make your teeth look, you will look for suitable dental treatments that not only help you gain the sparkling smile you always dreamed of but improve your oral health as well. To achieve your dental goals, you have many dental treatments and techniques that you can choose from.

It becomes essential to get the one that perfectly fits your dental needs, goals, and budget. Also, people look for a treatment that does not cause too much pain, discomfort, or disturb their life. Here, one such option is dental veneers Sydney.

Dental veneers are thin shells that help in straightening your teeth and are completely unnoticeable. If you have dental veneers, you will feel more confident and look great with a beautiful smile. If you are considering undergoing this procedure, it is essential to know what you are registering for.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a simple procedure in which thin shells are placed over the front of your teeth. These veneers are made of porcelain or composite resin, thus offering you two options to choose from. Both these veneer materials cannot get stained, and a slight change in the colour. These veneers can also hide gaps between your teeth.

If we talk about the appointments for these types of dental veneers in Sydney, you know that porcelain veneers take 2-3 appointments to attach shells to your teeth, while composite veneers take only one appointment. In terms of durability and long-lasting, porcelain works better and lasts longer than composite resin.

The lifespan of veneers depends on various factors. For example, porcelain veneers can last for 10-15 years, while composite veneers last for 5-7 years. You can increase the years by properly taking proper care of your veneers and following the aftercare instructions properly.

Who is the Right Candidate for Dental Veneers?

Like other dental procedures, not everyone is eligible for undergoing dental veneer Sydney treatment. The dentist evaluates your dental condition, teeth, and mouth to determine if you can go for dental veneers. You will be asked to choose an alternative approach if:

  • If your teeth are having decay or any kind of gum disease, you may have to treat this dental problem first before getting dental veneers.
  • A patient has a teeth-grinding issue because this habit can make your veneers chipped. This dental problem must be treated before undergoing veneers.
  • A tooth has a less amount of enamel as this dental issue prevents your veneer from sticking correctly. Hence, it can cause unsuccessful treatment.
  • You have a tiny portion of your tooth missing. Here, undergo dental crown treatment first before getting veneers.

If you are interested in getting dental veneers in Sydney, you must see the dentist know if you are suitable. The dentist will also check if veneers are the best treatment to get the results you want. They may suggest other treatments based on your existing teeth condition and your dental goals.

Bottom Line

Dental veneers are the recommended treatment for chipped, broken, discoloured, small, misaligned, or crooked teeth. The dentist creates a treatment plan to ensure that veneers are applied correctly.


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