Going Green the Right Way: How to Find the Best Solar Company

Did you know solar power can increase your home’s value?

In this guide, we’ll go over how to find a reputable solar company. After reading, you will have an idea of what to look for in a company.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

Look For an Installer With Expertise

A solar company should have professional certification for installing solar energy systems.

The top standard is the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) Solar PV Installation Professional Certification.

The solar company should have a NABCEP-certified professional who can provide quality assurance for each system they install. There should be a NABCEP-certified professional on each installation crew.

Some installers may have been in the solar industry before the formation of NABCEP. Installers without this certification should be able to show they have significant expertise.

Read the reviews of the companies that don’t have this certification.

Insurances and Licenses

A solar installer should also have insurance policies and licenses. Rules on licenses and insurances vary depending on the state and local jurisdiction.

Localities and states have different licensing requirements for electricians and contractors. This protects the reputation of the industry and consumers from unsafe practices.

Licensing is mandatory for some practices. Typical licenses for solar companies will include electrician, general contracting, and home improvement licenses.

Make sure the installer also has general liability insurance.

What Experience Does the Solar Company Have?

The solar industry is growing and attracting many professionals from various backgrounds. Contractors are now focusing on solar installation along with their other projects.

When you search for a company, find out if the installer has a solar track record. The solar company should be able to show you the systems they installed for previous clients.

Does the Company Have a Decent Reputation?

Read solar company reviews. Yet, sometimes, the reviews can also be misleading.

Make sure you read the three-star reviews along with the lowest and highest reviews. You’ll get a chance to see common customer complaints, what the company did well, and where they lacked.

If you see a pattern of complaints, keep searching for a company.

What About Workmanship Warranties?

A workmanship warranty is coverage against installation or workmanship errors. The warranty should range between one to 10 years.

Sometimes, you can buy a separate contract for the maintenance and operation of your system. Pay for installation from a reputable installer who has a solid workmanship warranty.

Start your search today. Look up “solar companies near me.”

Good Luck Finding a Reputable Solar Company

We hope this guide on solar power companies was helpful. Take your time searching for a reputable solar company.

Make sure the company has a lot of experience and the required licenses and insurance. Read reviews online to determine if they have a decent reputation.

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