Meet Mittens, an eight-year-old Maine Coon with a knack for unexpected adventure. This feline globetrotter recently captured hearts worldwide after a series of trans-Tasman flights—thanks to an airline mishap that turned her journey into a saga worthy of a Hollywood script.

The adventure began when Mittens was loaded into the cargo hold of an Air New Zealand flight bound for Melbourne from Christchurch. Her owner, Margo Neas, eagerly awaited her furry companion’s arrival at Melbourne Airport. But hours passed, and Mittens was nowhere to be found.

The reason? Mittens was on her way back to New Zealand—still in the plane’s cargo hold!

Luggage handlers had missed her cage, obscured by a wheelchair, and the flight had already departed. “How can this happen? How can this happen? Oh my God,” Ms. Neas recalled, her shock echoing the sentiments of cat lovers everywhere.

Thankfully, quick-thinking staff contacted the pilot mid-flight, who turned on the cargo hold’s heating system to ensure Mittens’ comfort. After landing in Christchurch, Mittens was carefully reloaded onto another flight and finally returned to Melbourne—a VIP in her own right after clocking over 21 hours of flight time.

When Mittens arrived, her journey ended with a heartwarming reunion. “She just ran into my arms and snuggled up, giving the biggest cuddles of all time,” Ms. Neas shared, clearly relieved to have her family complete again.

Despite losing a little weight during her unplanned escapade, Mittens was otherwise unharmed. Air New Zealand has since apologized for the incident, promising to reimburse Ms. Neas and work to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

Now back in Melbourne, Mittens is being pampered like the true jetsetter she is. While her globetrotting days may be behind her, this standoffish cat proved that even the most aloof felines can find comfort in the arms of the family after an extraordinary journey.

Safe and sound, Mittens reminds us all of the resilience of our beloved pets—and the lengths we’ll go to bring them home.