How Can Seniors Make the Most of Their Time Under Quarantine?

The pandemic made everyone’s life difficult. People were trapped in their own houses, and the government had put restrictions on socializing, which made things more difficult. Seniors often find it difficult to live with restrictions in quarantine.

Due to their age and health problems, they can indulge in a limited number of activities to pass their time. Here we have discussed different activities seniors can indulge in to spend their time when under home quarantine.


Writing is a good activity for seniors during home quarantine. Seniors’ writing during quarantine is a good way to keep their mind active, which is most important. Besides, writing does not put any physical stress on their bodies, which is a good thing. They can write about their memoirs, which can boost their recall capability and engage their memories.

Seniors can also write poetry, as it is enjoyable and effective in keeping their minds active. Several online portals accept seniors’ writing during quarantine. These portals have a dedicated section to display the creative writing of seniors.

Virtual Meet-Ups

Though home quarantine restricts seniors to mingle with others, technology has provided them alternative ways to catch up with their friends and family. Seniors can plan virtual meet-ups to know how their senior’s community is spending time under home quarantine. They can also meet their family living in distant places through video calls.


It is the best way to spend time during the quarantine. The reading activity can keep seniors engaged for long periods, and they will not feel bored. If they don’t have good books to read, they can order a few online.

Board Games

There are several board games based on the 90’s era. Seniors have lived the answers, and they find such board games exciting. The questions in the board games take them down memory lane to find the right answer. Playing these games is kind of nostalgic for them. Board games also help keep their mind active and improve memory and recall capacity.


It is the best physical activity for seniors during the quarantine. Plants also need love and care. Gardening can be an interesting activity that can keep them active and busy. It is a stress-busting and relaxing activity that refreshes your mind and body. Besides, it allows you to be in the company of Mother Nature, which is quite relaxing.

Exercise and Yoga

Exercise and yoga are two different activities that are needed to keep you physically and mentally fit. Seniors can watch TV and perform light exercises at home. Basic stretching exercises don’t need special equipment, nor do you need large space. You can do them in your room.

Television channels have dedicated exercise programs for seniors to keep them physically active. These programs are aired free on channels, and you can watch them and perform exercises while watching TV.

Yoga is also a handy way to keep your body and mind fit. These exercises can provide several health benefits to senior people. Yoga exercises are easy to perform, and you don’t need special equipment either.

To sum up, there is no doubt the home quarantine will surely come to an end sooner or later. The activities mentioned above can keep the seniors busy and entertained and make home quarantine less stressful for them.

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