Understanding Why Hyaluronic Acid Is Good for the Skin

Pollutants, such as smoke, smog, dust, and other minute airborne particles, can trigger various skin problems. Many products are now available in the market to address a wide range of issues about skincare. Some of them are for general use, while others are created to provide a solution to a specific type of skin problem.

One of the most common skin problems is premature aging, where the skin loses its glow and elasticity. The skin gets dry, rough, and fine lines and wrinkles appear prematurely. Some people develop blotchy skin and others have uneven skin tones.

But luckily, women and men today have access to a variety of skincare products that can clear their skins of acne, even out tone and colour, hydrate, remove unsightly dark spots and blemishes, and maintain youthful and firm skin that glows with health.

And the beneficial ingredient that makes skin glow is hyaluronic acid.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring sugar on your skin. Its function is to hold water to keep the skin plump and hydrated. It is also beneficial to your joints. It prevents your skin’s moisture from evaporating. However, similar to elastin and collagen, the amount of hyaluronic acid in your body slowly decreases as you grow older. It’s a good thing that you can still stimulate hyaluronic production. You can change your diet and eat more antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits to protect your skin from inflammation and retain its moisture.

The acid can be created biologically via the synthesis by fibroblasts. Manufacturers can produce hyaluronic acid naturally and synthetically by wheat and plant fermentation.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid

It is possible to make your skin glow and erase fine lines with hyaluronic acid. Different products are available today, from injectables to sheet masks to creams and serums, such as SkinCeuticals HA Intensifier.

  • Hyaluronic acid is a powerful moisturiser when it is added to skincare products like serums and creams. Its humectant property pulls moisture to your skin’s surface, hydrating it all day long. It’s the key reason why HA is trending right now. If you want to keep your skin firm and glowing, a product with hyaluronic acid is the only skincare product you need.
  • HA is good for all types of leave-on skincare products, including serums and water-based moisturisers that are suitable for all skin types but are exceptionally good for dehydrated and dry skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid can penetrate the skin, and bind the water to your skin cells, thus every layer of the skin benefits from the moisture. Moreover, it slows down the deterioration of the fatty acids (lipid barrier) that prevents toxins from penetrating the epidermis, which helps stop acne’s growth.
  • It makes the skin look tighter and give it a smoother texture. HA plumps up the skin, helping to reduce the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines. Further, it promotes skin cell regeneration.

If you are not a fan of applying too many skincare products, find the best product that contains hyaluronic acid, which makes saggy, tired, and wrinkly skin regain its firm, smooth and dewy appearance.

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