The frustrating reason Western Australians WON’T get vaccinated

The frustrating reason Western Australians WON’T get vaccinated – and it has nothing to do with anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories

A Perth man has revealed the frustrating reason why many Western Australians are refusing to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

Western Australia is lagging in the nation’s vaccine rollout, sparking concerns the state will fail to surpass its goal of 90 per cent and open its borders by Christmas.

However, a KIIS FM staffer from Perth says the reason why so many locals are refusing the jab actually has nothing to do with anti-vaxxer beliefs or conspiracy theories.

Theory: Radio producer Jermaine D’Vauz (left, with WA Premier Mark McGowan) says the reason why so many Western Australians are refusing the Covid-19 vaccine actually has nothing to do with anti-vaxxer beliefs or conspiracy theories

Video producer Jermaine D’Vauz said on Tuesday that locals were so determined to eradicate Covid from WA they would rather remain unvaccinated – because high vaccination rates would mean opening up the border to travellers.

As of Tuesday, 54.7 per cent of Western Australians were fully vaccinated. 

‘People in Perth are so obsessed with it being “Covid zero”. They feel like because they are so remote, that it’s “us versus them”,’ Mr D’Vauz explained on The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Tuesday.  

‘There’s some people that I know that won’t get vaccinated because they don’t want to open up. They want it to continue to be “Covid zero”,’ he added. 

'Demented': KIIS FM hosts Kyle Sandilands (pictured) and Jackie 'O' Henderson were shocked after Mr D'Vauz said Western Australians were so determined to eradicate Covid from the state they would rather remain unvaccinated - because high vaccination rates would mean opening up the border to travellers

Pictured: Jackie 'O' Henderson

‘Demented’: KIIS FM hosts Kyle Sandilands (left) and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson (right) were shocked after Mr D’Vauz said Western Australians were so determined to eradicate Covid from the state they would rather remain unvaccinated – because high vaccination rates would mean opening up the border to travellers 

Radio host Kyle Sandilands called the state’s hermit-style approach to the pandemic ‘archaic’, then declared: ‘That’s demented. The whole place will go broke!’

‘They can’t all think like that, surely!’ remarked co-host Jackie ‘O’ Henderson, adding: ‘They must want to travel.

Sandilands replied gravely: ‘It’s Western Australia, mate. It’s a different world over there.’

Behind the pack: Western Australia is lagging in the nation's vaccine rollout, sparking concerns the state will fail to surpass its goal of 90 per cent and open its borders by Christmas. Pictured: anti-vaxxers waving signs at a 'freedom rally' in Perth

Behind the pack: Western Australia is lagging in the nation’s vaccine rollout, sparking concerns the state will fail to surpass its goal of 90 per cent and open its borders by Christmas. Pictured: anti-vaxxers waving signs at a ‘freedom rally’ in Perth  

WA Premier Mark McGowan has refused to budge on his hard border closure, insisting earlier this month the state would remain closed to the rest of the country until 90 per cent of residents had been vaccinated.

Given the complacency in Covid-free WA putting it at the back of the pack in the vaccine race, this may not be until as late as Easter 2022.

The closure means thousands of families may be forced to celebrate Christmas separated from their loved ones for the second year in a row.

Steadfast: WA Premier Mark McGowan (pictured) has refused to budge on his hard border closure, insisting earlier this month the state would remain closed to the rest of the country until 90 per cent of residents had been vaccinated

Steadfast: WA Premier Mark McGowan (pictured) has refused to budge on his hard border closure, insisting earlier this month the state would remain closed to the rest of the country until 90 per cent of residents had been vaccinated

Vaccinations are vital to reducing the spread of preventable diseases, and any suggestion otherwise flies in the face of science and the advice of medical experts around the globe.   

The coronavirus vaccine is a safe and vital measure being taken to protect the community from the spread of the virus.

Slow to the finish line: Western Australia may not reach the 90 per cent vaccination target anytime soon, with jab uptake in the state among the lowest in the country

Slow to the finish line: Western Australia may not reach the 90 per cent vaccination target anytime soon, with jab uptake in the state among the lowest in the country