Do you need a corporate film about the company: the pros and cons

The corporate video is not a toy that mega-successful companies play to satisfy their own self-esteem. This genre is a marketing product; it’s built to meet business challenges.

The cons

If all tasks in your business have been solved, you are at the pinnacle of success, and this state is unshakable – in this case, you do not need such a film. In this state, you don’t need anything at all. Probably, you are an exclusive, one and only seller of a unique natural resource, for which it is impossible to find a replacement, but cannot be produced synthetically. You are an absolute monopolist.

You do not have a task to convey something, to explain something, to attract someone, to inspire something … Arouse sympathy, in the end … You do not care at all whether they love you or hate you because they will buy in any case – they will not go anywhere, because there is nowhere else to take.

What the hell is a corporate movie? You should have time to count the profits dumping by Niagara Falls in time, but here we are fooling our heads with our corporate film. Sorry, sorry, Your Radiant Divinity, that they dared …

Of course, geopolitical tasks cannot be mastered with one such film. But presenting the company at the international level – for foreign clients and partners – he will cope with this in no time.

A corporate film about the company. For investors

Let’s be honest. Who is the business in awe of? In front of dissatisfied customers? No. Everyone has dissatisfied customers, but this audience is so small that it makes no difference.

Before the tax office, government agencies? Also no. Russian realities have long taught everyone that there is another organ for every organ – more powerful, closer, etc.

Business is in awe of investors. This is a very special audience that has power because it gives money. It was with their money that you raised your business and sincerely consider it yours – but exactly as long as the investors are calm.

The hackneyed truth: The investment community influences the market value of a company. You know all the possible consequences of this thesis better than ours. Therefore, building effective two-way communication with investors and shareholders is an important area of ​​activity.

One of the tools of this activity is the use of corporate films, which are able to overcome the traditional skepticism in such cases. The presence of such a film, as it were, informs: the company is successful, transparent, it has nothing to hide.

Perhaps the company is going through a difficult period. But for whom is it really easy now? The film can tell about the mechanisms for overcoming existing difficulties. This will add points because the efficiency of an enterprise is determined not by the presence or absence of problems, but by the ability to deal with them.

A corporate film about the company. For staff

Personnel policy in business is an equally important component of success. Or failure. Employees work exactly as long as they evaluate the company themselves. These are two fundamentally different approaches: “My workplace is a table with a computer” and “My workplace is a solid company.”

Despite the fact that many began to abandon Western developments, considering them unviable in the conditions of the Russian mentality, soulless, and even soulless, no one has yet suffered from competent teambuilding…

On the contrary, the most convinced anarchist, who denies any manifestations of consistency, in the atmosphere of a common cause, common interests will give all the best to the fullest.

It is not a fact that he admits this openly, but deep down he will still be proud that he does not just twist the screws but assembles turbines that are exported and there – behind the cordon – give jazz to this whole bourgeois American-European get-together.

A corporate film about the company. Video cases

Surely there are several projects in the company’s practice that are a matter of special pride. Especially large delivery, unique development, responsible order, etc. Such special projects are not ordinary everyday life, but events that can become a visiting card.

It is one thing for a company that has been producing high-quality bricks for 100 years, and quite another for a company that made bricks for the construction of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

That is why, in the pre-marketing era, it was considered a special honor to obtain the right to use the inscription: “Supplier to the court of His Majesty.”

In our time, such projects are chased. If they cannot get it on the side, they come up with it themselves. And it is foolish to leave this without due attention. After all, bricks are better remembered not because they are of high quality, but because the famous religious building was built from them.

A video case about such a project works more convincingly than any expert opinion on the quality of your products. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to make a corporate film about production.

The sought-after special projects may include your charitable or social activities, the correct coverage of which can bring considerable dividends.