Cool Google’s futuristic products that takes world information to the next level

In order to search something online, what’s is the first word that comes to our mind? Let’s Google it! It’s the most frequently used & considered the most reliable search engine of the 21st Century. It has surrounded our lives with the handiest tools making life much easier. From searching navigation through Google Maps or sending emails through Gmail, Google has become the most essential part of our lives. But did you know that Google offers a variety of other differentiated products you never knew existed?

Let’s dive into 17 cool Google products you never know to exist.

1. Project Sunroof:

The purpose of the product is to inspire people to save money and electricity by using Solar Energy instead. They use Weather predictions & Aerial Mapping to estimate how much money an average user can save.

2. Google Express:

Enter your zip code to find local grocery stores and google provides same-day delivery service from the store to your door step on minimal charges. The service is available in some of the prominent cities of the United States, making online shopping experience much more easier and fun.

3. Google Map Street view (Oceans)

Google Map navigation now takes us underwater by giving us high definition street view of not only land but also oceans. Google gives you beautiful panoramic underwater views without having to scuba dive.

4. Google Sky Map/ Mars/ Moon:

Google Map is not only limited to the streets & ocean but also to the space! How cool is that! Now you can see all the celestial bodies like the galaxies, stars, constellation and even the moon!

5. Google Trips:

Planning a trip? Let google take care of it. Google Trips not only helps you plan & organize your trip but also keeps track of your travel plan.

6. Google Transit:

Google doesn’t only provide navigation but even if you don’t have a car, Google Transit guides you through public transport by Transit Partner Program.

7. Google Arts and Culture:

Google Arts and Culture is a web platform through which the general public can access high-resolution images of artworks. It provides you with the opportunity to take a look and study about the art, historical events, places and important landmarks all over the world.

8. Google One Today:

One Today makes it easier to donate to causes that inspire you, and help nonprofits raise funds they require to enhance the lives of individuals around the world.

9. Primer:

Google Primer provides assistance, particularly to job seekers and startups through developing marketing expertise with 5 minutes Interactive lessons.

10. Google Scholar:

Google Scholar makes it extremely easy to hunt relevant information in research journals. The variability of options allows the user to scan information according to their requirements.

11. Google X:

Google X is a research and development facility whose purpose is to come up with radical new technologies to solve some of the world’s agonizing problems.

12. Google VR:

With the help of Google VR, you can now witness a number of the foremost amazing adventures, expeditions and artistic pursuits and be entertained by virtual reality.

13. Google Keep:

Google Keep provides you with the facility to store notes, photos and other data, coupled with a feature that enables you to set ‘reminders’ to sync with your google calendar.

14. Google Allo:

Google Allo is a smart messaging app that helps you express yourself more easily with the use of stickers and emojis and an inbred feature that helps you compose an automated reply without typing.

15. GYBO (Get your business online):

GYBO provides you with a launch pad for an Online business with a free of charge customized website, domain name as well as web hosting.

16. Build with Chrome:

If you don’t have a LEGO but still a LEGO fan, Google’s got you covered! Did you know Google let’s you play build LEGO through chrome? Although the service has been discontinued for now.

17. Google Web Designer:

It’s for all the Web Designers who are interested in creating HTML-5 based website designs and wish to make their content interactive with motion graphics. The website code can be tailored to run on any browser or device.

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