Five Things to Do After a Car Accident in New Jersey

Car accidents an undeniably unpredictable and unexpected incidents. There’s no doubt that it is really easy to panic when you have been involved in one. Although no one can really be ready for a crash, familiarizing yourself with the steps that you should take directly following a crash can help take quite a bit of the panic out of the experience.

So, here are the five specific things to do after you get in a car accident in New Jersey.

  • Do not leave the scene

Under New Jersey law, any motorist involved in an accident is required to stop their vehicles and move to the side of the road if possible. The reason is so that you do not disturb the flow of traffic or cause another collision behind you. If the damage to your car has made it impossible to move, call a tow truck immediately. If you are too injured to move, obviously wait until medical emergency personnel arrive.

  • Get medical help if necessary

Your safety and the safety of others involved in the crash should be considered your first priority. If your injuries are serious, you should request an ambulance. If your injuries are not so serious, you should arrange for transport to the nearest emergency room to get examined. Keep in mind that a delay in medical attention could lead to serious injury and could hurt any potential in a personal injury claim.

  • Call the police

If personal injury is not a concern in the crash, the next thing you should do is contact the police. Even if the damage seems minor, you should call the police to get a report on the books. While you may feel inclined to sympathize with the other driver if it was their fault, fault is something for a lawyer and insurance professionals to assess and decide on.

  • Do not admit fault

After an accident occurs, panic may certainly set in and you may make statements that you wouldn’t ordinarily make. That might include you admitting fault even if the crash was not your fault at all. Even if it is your fault, admitting fault is not something that you should do. If you admit fault to a police officer, the other motorist, a witness, or an insurance company adjuster, your admission could certainly come back to bite you and hurt your chances of getting full and fair recovery for your damages.

  • Contact a car accident lawyer

As soon as you possibly can after your accident, you should reach out to a car accident lawyer in New Jersey to discuss your case.

Through talking with a car accident lawyer like Keith Zaid Law, you will make sure that you deal with your insurance company correctly and learn about any additional payment that you may be owed depending on injuries, lost wages, and any other damages that you may have accrued. While it may seem like an unnecessary step, calling a car accident lawyer can be a major deciding factor on whether or not you handle your accident well or poorly.

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